Friday, July 2, 2010

Software Guitar Efx

Wow, well not to just repost another synth blog but this video was really surprising. So its software guitar effects. Nothing too new or suprising from the look of it, everyone has heard of Garage band and Logic doing a good job of it. Though this is the second version out of Linn design and sounds great. I actually watched/"listened while googling" to the whole video. Some really cool sounds from like Coldplay to NIN.
Kinda lost around minute nine with the noise beats but then some synth loops came in and scooped me back up.. enjoy.
PS: Linn Design also has some really good free drum samples floating around on the internet, just google the junk.

Coming outta Synthtopia!


  1. wow nice! who'd of thought they'd go from the linndrum to this

  2. Yeah! I was reading a wiki an Mr. Linn himself, he has really touched on some distanced areas. Going on tour as an artist, writing songs for Elton John, even manufacturing hardware guitar effects.
