Monday, August 30, 2010


I'll start with, They make good music. You cant argue that, they do a good job. Now, to their choices and media decisions. I personally think they are an incredibly hyped band. They have a quality electronic sound that can be trippy at times, fitting into their mellow hypnotizing feel that they are reaching for. You can see from their music videos that they are really trying to hit the druggie band note. Theyve made a radical decision on their last album to leave their electronic sound and alot of people including myself think it isnt near the quality that the first album was. I can respect their choice to change directions, theyre artists and thats totally their decision.

Though I feel their music, even the stuff off their first album, is not deserving the crazy hype it recieves. They have become the cool hipster band so everyone who is trying to seem like they have a good taste in music listens to them..

Meh. If you want that sound, check out, FM Bellfast, Neon Indian, Friendly Fires, Geographer, Limousines, Cut Copy, and Memory Cassette.


  1. HAHA, Did you use the response to my question about MGMT for this post? If so....WIN!

    U no whooo

  2. yeah, they had a great producer working for them for the 1st album. This producer kept telling one of the Japanese artist "tighter, tighter, tighter"
    The first album has the psychedelic mellow-ness but it is TIGHT which is why I was hard playing their CD last year.

  3. You are also an excellent excellent DJ DJ did you know?
    Neon Indian is soooo kooooool and neeeeatttt.
    gosh gosh gosh
